Business consumer fair – Transfiere 2019
8th European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation (TRANSFIERE), held at the Malaga Conference Center.
Meeting point between company and research groups for the transfer of knowledge, the application of innovative projects and opportunities to generate business and professional contacts. the objective was to reach innovative ideas with the purpose of creating new technology products and services.
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Ageing Social Lab participated in this fair with a stand as you can see in the photos below. Essense project was presented in this fair, where was outlined the use of BIM in the design, construction and management of multifunctional indoor environments will greatly contribute to meet the requirements of Europe’s ageing population while promoting healthy and safe ageing.

Report on the Situation and Evolution of Smart Housing and AAL within the BIM method: current Knowledge, skills and qualifications needs
The building and construction industry are an important part of the EU economy and society. It contributes to about 9% of the EU´s GDP and provides around 18 million direct jobs. It also creates high-skill jobs and investment in other industries that leads to further social and economic benefits.
There are two important challenges to address in the sector. One is related to the increasing implementation of ICT tools, while the other is associated with a greater requirement of managerial and collective skills brought by the changing profile of the sector.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is disrupting the sector. This tool provides all stakeholders with a digital representation of a building’s characteristics throughout its entire life-cycle and thereby holds out the promise of large efficiency gains. BIM is being rapidly adopted, so it is critical for public bodies and industries that the sector maximises its value to deliver improved efficiencies and increased innovation in the management, design, construct and operation phases of a built asset. Training the current and incoming workforce is necessary to ensure effective adoption of BIM.
The demand of public and private environments adapted to the needs of older adults is expected to grow in the coming years. By 2050, the number of people in the EU aged 65 and above is expected to grow by 70% and the number of people over 80 by 170%. Despite living longer, EU citizens will spend too many years in old age in environments conceived for younger and healthier people, creating dependency, isolation and mental health problems. Being physical and social environments key determinants for people to remain healthy and autonomous into their old age. Ambient and assisted living (AAL), is a framework that aims to improve quality of life for older adults and to strengthen industry opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation: “Ageing well in a digital world”.
The Output 1 results are set out into two phases:
The first section of this Output aims to analyse the current use of BIM in the design and construction of buildings for older adults and an overview on how Smart Housing and AAL technologies are being implemented in such environments.
The second section aims to identify the current practices in the field and what new knowledge, skills, and competences are needed to improve them.
Both sections attempt to promote a training curriculum to future students paying special attention to the feedback that is provided by different stakeholders: enterprises and workers, students, public bodies, caretakers, relatives, etc. It provides the information needed to prepare more attractive learning content by identifying the challenges that current initiatives in the field have faced in terms of knowledge, skills, and competences at different levels: industry, pedagogy, legislation, etc.
If you want to know more click in the following link
What is ESSENSE?
ESSENSE is an EU Erasmus+ project for the Education Supporting Smart Environments for SEniors, bringing together partners in Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Republic of North Macedonia.

ESSENSE project aims to create an innovative didactic content to promote the integration of Building Information Modelling and Ambient Assisted Living concepts in the Architecture, Engineer and Construction sector.
It will consist of a Joint Curriculum, didactic materials and a collaborative platform in line with the needs of the different target users identified. After the project officially ends a Blueprint ensures the follow-up of the results. ESSENSE recently launched the Preliminary Joint Curriculum, which was validated through a series of surveys which reached over 600 stakeholders in more than 20 countries from all over the world. The online course platform will be available soon.