The European projects ESSENSE and SHELD-ON (Smart Habitat for the elderly)are generating synergies due to a common objective: to facilitate a safer, more comfortable and accessible life for the elderly. ESSENSE was presented at the first conference held in Riga 2018. Since then a project description about ESSENSE was published in the First SHELD-ON conference meeting Proceedings Book. You can find the book here. ESSENSE is described on pages 44-46.
SHELD-ON is financed by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). This organisation is a research network that offers an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe. SHELD-ON provide impetus to research advancements and innovation. The project aims to foster knowledge exchange and the development of a joint research agenda in terms of design and development of multifunctional indoor environments. The goal is to meet the requirements of Europe’s ageing population while promoting healthy and safe ageing. Thanks to the Sheldon team for your contributions in our project.